Critical Thinking Requirement

Whereas the IGETC critical thinking/English composition course requires a prerequisite in reading and written composition, and

Whereas Title 5 Matriculation standards require validation of any prerequisite with the possible exception of those in a discipline sequence or those required for four-year transfer, and

Whereas studies have not validated the need for the prerequisite in some California Community Colleges non-English critical thinking courses presently being taught with a composition emphasis, and


Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct its representatives to the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates recommend that, if either the UC or CSU systems accepts a California Community Colleges course for the IGETC list, then that course shall be included in the IGETC list.

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) -- Pass Along Certification

Whereas, since there is no provision for partial certification of the IGETC, the last community college is the one to certify completion of the IGETC, and

Whereas many students attend several community colleges while completing transfer general education requirements,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the Chancellor's Office direct articulation officers to implement a "Pass Along" certificate which students could bring to each community college attended until they complete all requirements for the IGETC.

Reassigned Time

Whereas AB 1725 has given local senates additional responsibilities which require a great deal of time on the part of senates,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors that it adopt the position that each community college district provide its senate with a minimum of 2 FTE of reassigned time per each 20 full-time faculty members, or portion thereof, to accomplish the work of shared governance.


Whereas faculty are concerned about student success and persistence, and

Whereas faculty believe that inadequately prepared students are less likely to succeed in courses,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose the requirement of validation studies which require control groups consisting of students who do not possess the necessary prerequisites.

Modern Professional Journal

Whereas the California Community College system is one of the largest higher education systems in the country, with over a million students and 50,000 faculty members, and

Whereas we, as community college faculty members, do not have a modern professional journal in which to discuss educational issues and concerns, read and publish research and exchange information on topics of professional interest, and

Whereas the Academic Senate is our representative on academic and professional matters,

Transfer Education Rate

Whereas an improved measure of transfer rates has been devised by the National Effective Transfer Consortium, and

Whereas this measure has yielded important data from a small sample nationally, and

Whereas we need improved data on California Community College transfer rates,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor's Office for the California Community Colleges to undertake The California Transfer Rate Study proposed by the California members of The National Effective Transfer Consortium.

IGETC Critical Thinking/English Composition

Whereas the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates has agreed to allow the combination of a second semester English composition course and a course in critical thinking to satisfy the one-course critical thinking/English composition requirement of IGETC through Spring 1992, and

Whereas the California Community Colleges should maintain flexibility in and control of curriculum in order to serve the needs of a diverse student population,

Ad Hoc Committee on IGETC Critical Thinking/English Composition Requirement

Whereas critical thinking is a topic of current academic interest and concern, and

Whereas misunderstanding and confusion has been created by disagreements between the University of California and the California State Colleges and Universities regarding standards for general education courses in critical thinking, and

Whereas community college faculty need information and dialogue in order to reasonably cooperate with our intersegmental colleagues, and effectively serve our students and communities, and

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