Updating Curriculum Papers

Whereas several regulations have recently been changed in areas affecting curriculum,

Resolved that the Academic Senate update papers that have been affected by recent changes in regulations and state practices, including but not limited to, "Good Practices for the Implementation of Prerequisites" and "Curriculum Committee Review of Distance Learning Courses and Sections."

Public Information Committee

Whereas a number of organizations and interest groups are presenting themselves as leaders of change in California higher education, and

Whereas the faculty of the California community colleges have the expertise to understand current problems and to develop approaches to the changes that will best respond to the educational needs of California, and

Whereas the faculty are most interested in creating changes that are focused on the broadest range of student, community, and economic needs, and

Student Preparation and Success

Whereas community college student services, including counseling, transfer centers, transfer alliance, EOPS, student equity (success), financial aid, health centers, tutoring, and components of matriculation and CalWORKs, have an important role in enrollment, retention, persistence, completion rates, and general student success inside and outside of the classroom, and

Handbook for Self-Study Report Writers

Whereas self-study reports are often written by faculty, and

Whereas a significant amount of time and expertise is required to develop an effective self-study report, and

Whereas no guidelines currently exists for those engaged in this important task,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge districts to provide adequate reassigned time and other necessary support to faculty assigned to developing and editing self-study reports, and

Chancellor's Office Salary and Staffing Reports

Whereas Title 5 requires each California community college to submit a staffing and salary report, and

Whereas the local academic senates should be, but often are not, aware of the statistics in that report, and

Whereas the current Chancellor's Office staffing and salary report is often unreadable and not understandable,

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office to develop a new clear and readable mechanism for reporting salary and staffing information, and

Shared Governance Reports

Whereas the mandates of shared governance require that each local senate partner with the local college president in fulfilling the mission of the college, and

Whereas implementation of shared governance varies from college to college and across time, and

Whereas ways of monitoring implementation and maintenance of shared governance at colleges across the State are inconsistent,

Learning Centers

Whereas Resolution 19.03 F96 supports the recognition of learning centers on campuses, and

Whereas other groups such as counseling and library faculty have an entry into Academic Senate for California Community Colleges through a dedicated committee and Learning Center faculty continue to be left out with no such committee,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to develop a position paper on the role of Learning Center faculty in California community colleges, and

Process for Revision of Education Code

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has instituted the Education Code Reform Initiative, and

Whereas this reform initiative affects all levels within the system, faculty, students, administrators, trustees, the Chancellor, and the Board of Governors, and

Whereas all of the above mentioned constituencies must have opportunity for ongoing dialogue and input to recommendations for reform of the Education Code,

Increased Funding for Noncredit Courses

Whereas many colleges offer remedial courses through the noncredit mode, and

Whereas many of our students in transfer classes have deficiencies in skills that may include reading, mathematical computation, writing, and communication,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the community college organizations to support increased funding for noncredit courses to the level of 80% of the current credit funding.


Definition of Information Competency

Whereas Resolution 16.02 F96 directed the Academic Senate to urge the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Governors to acknowledge that any development of information competency components and/or programs be the primary responsibility of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas library faculty see information competency as an important component of learning, and

Whereas there is no clear and concise definition of information competency that is currently used in the California Community Colleges, especially as it pertains to curricular development,

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