Consultation Council Task Force on Counseling

Transfer, Articulation, and Student Services Committee

In December 2000, the Consultation Council reviewed and discussed a Consultation Digest prepared by the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC), which recommended that the Chancellor establish a Consultation Task Force to study the counselor-to-student ratio in California community colleges. At the time, the Chancellor declared the issue an academic and professional matter and charged the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges with convening the Task Force.


The Statewide Counseling Practices Survey Results.pdf


  1. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommends that the system pursue funding to ensure that colleges make progress towards a counselor/student ratio of 1:370 as soon as possible.
  2. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommends that until such progress is possible that existing counselor/student ratios at our colleges not be permitted to deteriorate.