30.01 Conflict of Interest

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), its officers, executive director, Executive Committee members, and staff shall avoid any conflict between their own respective personal, professional, or business interests and the interests of the ASCCC in any and all actions taken by them on behalf of the ASCCC in their respective capacities. For this purpose, the term "interest" means any financial, fiduciary, or other interest which conflicts with the service of the individual because it (1) could significantly impair the individual's objectivity or (2) could create an unfair advantage for any person or organization. When representing the ASCCC, Executive Committee members will refrain from unduly advocating on behalf of their own colleges or districts, whether the situations involved are concerned with local, regional, or statewide issues. In the event that any officer, director, or committee member of the ASCCC shall have any direct or indirect interest in or relationship with any individual or organization that proposes to enter into any transaction with the ASCCC, that person shall inform the Executive Committee of such interest or relationship in a manner that shall include the name of the individual, the name of the institutional interest, and the nature of the relationship the person has with each interest. The person shall thereafter refrain from discussing or voting on the particular transaction in which the person has an interest or otherwise attempting to exert any influence on the ASCCC to affect a decision to participate or not participate in the transaction., Situations involving this responsibility include but are not limited to transactions involving the following:

    1. the sale, purchase, lease, or rental of any property or other asset;
    2. employment or rendition of services, personal or otherwise;
    3. the award of any grant, contract, or subcontract;
    4. the investment or deposit of any funds of the ASCCC;

All Executive Committee members are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethical behavior and to adhere to the Executive Committee Code of Ethics. The ASCCC President and the Executive Committee will be prepared to investigate the factual basis behind any charge or complaint of conduct that is not in keeping with the Executive Committee Code of Ethics. Violations of the Executive Committee's Code of Ethics policy will be addressed by the ASCCC President, who will first discuss the violation with the Executive Committee member to reach a resolution. If a resolution is not achieved and further action is deemed necessary, the president may appoint an ad hoc committee to examine the matter and recommend a further course of action to the Executive Committee. In situations where the violation concerns the ASCCC President or ASCCC Vice President, the responsibility for investigation and resolution will pass to the highest-ranking officer of the ASCCC not considered part of the complaint.

Approved by ASCCC Executive Committee March 2021