Cal Grant Eligibility for Students in Impacted Programs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Found Not Feasible
Support lowering the credit load required for occupational students to be eligible for Cal Grants from 12 units to 9 units, provided the student is enrolled in at least 18 contact or class hours of instruction, the occupational program involves patient or client safety, and the occupational program has limited laboratory or clinical slots for student training.
Status Report

Discussed feasibility.

Whereas, Certain occupational programs involve patient or client safety and classes with large numbers of class hours in laboratory or clinical practice, thus making it difficult for many of the students in these programs to carry a minimum 12-unit load;

Whereas, Many of these occupational programs are impacted and have limited training slots available for students, thus forcing students to attend laboratory or clinical classes as early as 5:00 a.m. and as late as 11:00 p.m., thereby creating burdens on students with families and children; and

Whereas, Each occupational student in an impacted program who drops a clinical or laboratory class due to financial hardships creates an unfilled or wasted training slot and one less student completing the course, thus contributing to the shortage of trained graduates in impacted occupational education programs;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate support lowering the credit load required for occupational students to be eligible for Cal Grants from 12 units to 9 units, provided the student is enrolled in at least 18 contact or class hours of instruction, the occupational program involves patient or client safety, and the occupational program has limited laboratory or clinical slots for student training.
MSC Disposition:Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates