Create a Paper on Part-Time Faculty Equity

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Part-Time Faculty Committee
Professional Standards
In Progress

Whereas, In Spring 2002 the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted the paper Part-Time Faculty: A Principled Perspective, and in Spring 2013 Resolution 19.07 asked that the 2002 paper be updated;

Whereas, Due to an evolution of the ASCCC relationship with union colleagues and a desire to allow some parts of the 2002 paper to stand as written, the ASCCC Executive Committee made the decision, based on a recommendation by the ASCCC Part-time Task Force, to publish a series of Rostrum articles regarding part-time issues rather than complete a full revision of the 2002 paper;

Whereas, the ASCCC has a long history of supporting the rights of and equity for part- time faculty, including Resolution 19.01 SP01 Part-Time Faculty, Resolution 1.02 F20 Develop a Resource to Communicate and Encourage Part-time Faculty Leadership, Resolution 1.02 F12 Part-Time Faculty Award, Resolution 19.04 SP13 Part-Time Faculty Nomenclature, Resolution 1.02 F98 Part-time Faculty Participation on the Executive Committee, numerous additional resolutions, presentations of part-time faculty institutes, and many Rostrum articles as well as the 2002 paper; and

Whereas, Inequitable treatment is contrary to the mission of the California Community Colleges and undermines the equitable educational opportunities and experiences of students, yet part-time faculty experience profoundly inequitable treatment in the workplace across the full range of academic and professional matters, and the challenges faced by part-time faculty have continued, changed, and in some cases increased since the publication of the 2002 paper;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a new paper addressing part-time faculty equity, rights, and roles in governance and present it to the delegates no later than 2022 Fall Plenary Session.