Guided Pathways, Strategic Enrollment Management, and Program Planning

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
Local Senates
In Progress
Status Report

2021-2022: Educational Policies Committee to review 2009 paper to inform action to update or rewrite. For update, goal of S2022 is feasible; for rewrite, F2023 may be more feasible. 

Proposer Contact
Dolores Davison, Executive Committee

Whereas, Previous resolutions and papers from the Academic Senate have encouraged faculty participation in curriculum development, program planning, enrollment management, and scheduling;[1] 

Whereas, California Community Colleges Guided Pathways is intended to create a sustainable framework for institutions to develop local implementations that serve the needs of all students in helping them identify and meet their educational goals; 

Whereas, Availability of courses and programs in conjunction with the time and place they are offered represents key factors that directly impact the success of students; and

Whereas, Colleges have traditionally developed schedules by disciplines or departments in contrast to considerations across disciplines and across general education;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates to review the faculty representation on enrollment management committees to ensure broad representation, program expertise, and general education expertise; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges update the paper Enrollment Management Revisited (2009) in light of the new Student Centered Funding Formula, California Community Colleges Guided Pathways, and the implementation of AB 705 (Irwin, 2017) and bring the updated paper to the Spring 2020 Plenary Session for adoption.