Recommendation of Administrative Candidates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Faculty Leadership Development Committee
General Concerns
Develop a recommendation process for faculty-friendly applicants interested in administrative positions who show a dedication to participatory governance; and urge local senates, on campuses where administrative positions are available, to consider this information where recommendation letters are required.
Status Report

These strategies are currently being implemented by a variety of committees and entities of the ASCCC including the president. Various breakouts have been presented and rostrum articles written to further these goals.

Whereas, A significant and increasing number of administrative positions continue to be available at many of our campuses;

Whereas, A number of applicants are coming from outside of academia; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has been charged to address the issue of promoting faculty into administrative positions (13.05 S08, 13.08R F07, 1.05 S07);

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a recommendation process for faculty-friendly applicants interested in administrative positions who show a dedication to participatory governance; and

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates, on campuses where administrative positions are available, to consider this information where recommendation letters are required.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates