
A Glance Behind and a Look Ahead: A Progress Report on the Structure and Goals of the ASCCC

The past two years have been full of activity, challenges, and changes for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.  In response to healthy state budgets, legislative mandates, opportunities for innovation, and pressure from external sources, the California community colleges have embarked on or continued numerous successful initiatives: the Common Assessment Initiative, the Educational Planning Initiative, the Community College Baccalaureate Degree Pilot, the Strong Workforce Taskforce, the creation of increasing numbers of associate degrees for transfer, important work

“AND THE WINNER IS….”: The ASCCC Spring 2015 Elections

Each year on the Saturday of the Spring Plenary Session, elections are held for positions on the ASCCC Executive Committee.  The four officer positions---president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer--are open for election each year.  Elections for the other ten positions occur on a two-year cycle--Areas A and D along with one each of the North, South, and At-Large Representatives in one year, and Areas B and C along with the other North, South and At-Large Representatives in the next year.

An Update on the Board of Governors Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation, and a Strong Economy

With two meetings completed, the Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation, and a Strong Economy continues to move at a rapid pace to meet its July deadline. The Board of Governors convened the task force to make recommendations that will increase completion of industry valued credentials, keep community colleges responsive to business and industry, and connect funds from multiple sources to support this effort.

The ASCCC Professional Development College: A New Path for Faculty

In the past few years, many faculty members in the California community colleges have seen their professional development programs cannibalized.  While administrators and boards recognize that professional development is an essential part of faculty responsibilities, it is often one of the first things that is cut or eliminated whenever budget concerns arise.  For evidence of this unfortunate tendency, one only needs to consider the lack of funding that accompanied the most recent attempt to bring Professional Development to the fore, AB 2558 (Williams, 2014), which was signed int

Ensuring the Recognition of Outstanding Work

A few years ago, I volunteered to read applications for the Hayward Award. I had no idea what to expect, but I was told that it would be a great experience. While reading the applications, I got a glimpse into some of the amazing work that other faculty were doing at their colleges. Reading those applications provided me with an opportunity to see the work being done by other amazing faculty and it provided me with an incentive to do even more at my college.

Take a Look in the Mirror: Should the Diversity of Our Faculty Reflect the Diversity of Our Students?

This Rostrum article is not intended to be exhaustive review of literature and research but rather to serve as a working document that can help guide the efforts of academic senate leaders.  The purpose is to discuss the importance of a diverse faculty and its positive impact on our student body.  It should serve as a beginning to this discussion and as a call to action for local senates as they question their status quo in regard to hiring practices and the current makeup of their local senate leadership. 

The ASCCC Appointment Process: Clarifications and Possible Improvements

On Saturday, April 11, at the 2015 ASCCC Spring Plenary Session, the delegates considered Resolution 1.06 S15, In Pursuit of a more Inclusive and Transparent ASCCC.  The stated intent of this resolution was to create a process for the ASCCC that provided greater transparency and promoted more diversity regarding the manner in which appointments are made to Academic Senate standing committees, task forces, ad hoc groups, and Chancellor’s Office groups.

CTE Course Re-enrollment: Practices from the Field

During the 2014 ASCCC Fall Plenary, delegates passed Resolution 07.06, Re-enrollment Information for Admissions and Records Staff.  This resolution was a response to concerns raised by career technical education (CTE) faculty that colleges are struggling to secure permission for students to re-enroll in a course due to a significant change in industry standards or licensure or due to a legally mandated requirement (Title 5 §55040 (b) (8 and 9)).

Working Together, Better For All: ASCCC And CCLC Collaboration

For many years, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has urged local senate presidents to see themselves as working on the same level as their college presidents or chancellors.  The logic behind this philosophy is not an attempt to assert power or contest authority, but rather to encourage the senate presidents to see their relationships with administrative leaders as partnerships.

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