Resolutions Process


  • Coming Soon!


The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) employs the formal use of resolutions to identify and record the will of the academic senates of the California community colleges. The ASCCC relies on formal resolutions to set direction for the organization as a whole. Members of the ASCCC Executive Committee and its standing and ad hoc committees implement adopted resolutions to respond to issues, to conduct its work, and to take action. When new issues and situations emerge, the ASCCC Executive Committee works with its committees and task forces to develop resolutions for consideration by the body at plenary sessions in order to determine the will of the organization as a whole. It is only in rare circumstances in which an issue is pressing and available time does not permit the adoption of a formal position by the body and a previous position does not exist that the ASCCC Executive Committee or President may take a position or initiate an action independent of direction from existing or adopted resolutions by the body. 


The ASCCC meets biannually in Plenary sessions to adopt resolutions that become the basis for future ASCCC policies and which drive the work of its standing and ad hoc committees. As the ASCCC continues to hold its plenary sessions in a hybrid format, the Resolutions process will also be held in a hybrid format, through the use of an online platform to conduct voting. 


If you have any questions about the process, pre-session resolutions, or need help with resolutions, you may contact the Resolutions Committee by emailing info [at] and requesting a meeting with the committee. 


In order to conduct the online resolutions voting, we will need each member Senate to verify that we have the college’s correct delegate for voting. The Senate President listed in the Senate Directory for each campus, will need to complete the linked Delegate Change Form. Unless this form is submitted, the Senate President or Delegate reported to the Senate Office in the Senate Directory will not be eligible to voteForms must be emailed to the ASCCC Office - events [at] by April 15, 2024.


  • Pre-session Resolutions packet out to the field by March 15, 2024
  • Area meeting resolutions due from contacts by 11:59 p.m. on March 22, 2024
  • Plenary Resolutions packet out to the field by April 4, 2024
  • Delegate certification forms due to ASCCC at events [at] by April 15, 2024
  • New resolutions due at Plenary Session on Thursday, April 18
  • Amendments and urgent* resolutions due at Plenary Session on Friday, April 19

In order to propose new resolutions and amendments at the plenary session, you must be a registered plenary attendee and provide your name and college. Resolutions must be emailed to resolutions [at] Please email the resolutions [at] (Resolutions Committee) if you have any questions.

*Urgent is defined in the Resolutions Handbook as, “a time critical issue [that] has emerged after the resolution deadline on Thursday and new information is presented on Friday which requires an established Academic Senate position before the next plenary session” (pg. 6). 

Helpful Tips on How to Submit Resolutions

All submissions will be via the resolution/amendment submission webform.  This process includes uploading a completed version of this form that contains the proposed resolution or amendment.  Partial templates for a resolution and amendment appear below along with a sample resolution and amendment from a past plenary further below.  There is a limit of 4 whereas statements and 4 resolved statements for resolutions.  Amendments ought to be formatted using

Underline for added text Strikethrough for deleted text

Additional information about writing resolutions may be found in the ASCCC Resolutions Handbook.  Additional resources:

Search previously adopted resolutions 



1. Anyone can participate in the debate.

2. In order to vote, you must be a registered delegate by April 15, 2024. 

3. All attendees will be muted upon entering into the Zoom meeting space.  Only those who are recognized are asked to unmute their line by clicking on the mic icon at the bottom of the Zoom online screen or by pressing *6 on your phone (if you are calling in).  After speaking, individuals are asked to mute the mic again. 

4. The chatroom has been changed to be public so do not use the chatroom unless you want to be recognized. 


Quorum will be established via the online voting software at the beginning of plenary session.


Everyone, public or delegate, regardless of whether Pro or Con, is in the same speaking queue. The Chair will call on participants alternating between Pro and Con.  Speakers must use the chatroom to queue up.  Delegates need to enter the following in the chatroom, “Pro, Name, College”, or “Con, Name, College”. 

The ASCCC staff will keep track of who is next, alternating between Pro and Con.  Chair will be informed by voice who the next speaker is, e.g., “Pro, Name, College”, or “Con, Name, College”.  When there is no speaker on the side of the motion that is to be heard next debate on that motion is closed.

● A timekeeper will be assigned

● Each speaker will be given 3 minutes.  

● Each resolution debate will be a total 15 minutes.  Time can be extended for a specific time by a parliamentary Motion  to “Extend Time” by a registered Delegate.  Debate can only be extended once per resolution for a maximum of 5 minutes. 


Any registered delegate may propose a motion other than a Resolution or an amendment to a Resolution and any attendee may ask a question.  An attendee needs to enter the following in the chatroom, “PM, Name, College. The chair will recognize those who have parliamentary questions/motions by name and they will be instructed to unmute and make a motion (only delegates) or ask a clarifying question(all attendees).

When the registered delegate is recognized to make a motion. Another registered delegate without being recognized may enter in the Chatroom, “Name, College, Second.”


Voting will be done live through Poll Everywhere. Attendees will use their smartphones to vote live on each resolution or motion. If a delegate does not have a smartphone they should request ASCCC staff for an alternate webpage. Results of each vote will be confirmed by the Chair and recorded by the Resolutions Chair.

All motions and resolutions are adopted by majority vote of the body except:

1. Resolutions that propose reversing existing Academic Senate Positions which requires an affirmative vote of two thirds of voting delegates.

2. Parliamentary Motions as Identified in Roberts Rule of Order Newly Revised that require a two-thirds vote in the affirmative or negative of the delegates voting depending on the motion.

Adopted Resolution Packets from Previous Sessions
File Downloads