Faculty Development

Cross-Cultural Study

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges initiate a study of the needs and potentials for faculty development training in the area of effective cross-cultural teaching techniques to facilitate effective instruction of increasing numbers of minority students.

Basic Skills

Whereas the implementation of matriculation and the 1986 Title 5 prerequisites may cause transitional shifts of students to basic skills from collegiate courses,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Chancellor's Office and Board of Governors that full time faculty in subject specific areas be encouraged to develop expertise in the teaching of basic skills, and

Enrollment Agreement

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore the possibility, through the Faculty Development Committee and the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates, of providing postsecondary faculty with space-available, free enrollment in all public postsecondary institutions.

Teaching Effectiveness Workshop

Whereas the Academic Senate has a commitment to faculty excellence, and

Whereas the faculty of the California Community Colleges are a valuable resource of information regarding teaching effectiveness, and

Whereas it is one of the responsibilities of faculty members to help their colleagues improve their teaching effectiveness, and

Whereas formal evaluation is far from being the only means of helping faculty to improve their teaching,

Faculty Development Task Force

Whereas the encouragement of professional excellence, innovation, and leadership would be useful in enhancing both the quality of education and the morale of the faculty, and

Whereas the implementation of recent Title 5 changes in the course approval process and implementation of many of the proposed community college reforms require much greater involvement by faculty and make increased demands which often go beyond contractual obligations, and

Community College Doctorate

Whereas existing doctorate programs may not emphasize skills and knowledge necessary for community college faculty,

Resolved that the Academic-senate for California Community Colleges direct the Faculty Development Committee to do the following:

1. Study the components of a community college faculty doctorate,

2. Develop guidelines for such a doctorate, and

3. Explore current graduate programs for the possibility of ensuring a teaching component.

Trading Places Project Publicity

Whereas faculty development funds have been low for the past several years, and

Whereas faculty exchanges can be an effective and efficient way to develop our skills, and

Whereas the Fund for Instructional Improvement has granted the Academic Senate and the Chief Instructional Officers a second year of support for the exchange program "Trading Places,"

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to provide increased distribution of publicity for Trading Places and support wide faculty participation.

Educational Leadership Colloquia

Whereas the faculty role in collegial/shared governance can be enhanced by training, by seeing good local models, and by increased communication with instructional and student services administrators, and

Whereas the Fund for Instructional Improvement has funded the Academic Senate and the Chief Instructional Officers to conduct four regional Educational Leadership Colloquia, and

Whereas they were funded under the Board of Governors' agenda on strengthening academic senates,

Great Teachers Seminar

Whereas the California Great Teachers Seminar (CGTS), cosponsored by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and the California Association of Community Colleges (CACC), has served over 800 community college faculty in the past ten years, and

Whereas informal reunions have illustrated that many former participants would like an additional session, and

Whereas in 1987 the unserved "waiting list" was longer than the list of participants,

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