Financial Aid

Welfare Reform

Whereas the Governor has identified $50 million of Proposition 98 funds for 1997-98 to be applied to welfare reform projects in California community colleges, and

Whereas Proposition 98 monies were not intended to be used for welfare reform,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to work with the Governor to identify additional monies, other than Proposition 98 funds, in his budget to address the expanded need for funds in the community college system created by welfare reform.

Welfare Reform

Whereas the new welfare legislation will have a direct impact on enrollment in the California community colleges, and

Whereas welfare reform legislation in California will limit the participant to one year of study, training and/or preparation for the workforce,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to work with the Legislature and the Governor to extend the educational time line for welfare recipients to a two-year program.

Senate President Signature on CalWORKs Applications

Whereas in lieu of pursuing legislation to require consultation with local academic senates on the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids (CalWORKs) program application, the Academic Senate made a formal agreement with the Chancellor's Office to require the local academic senate president's signature on the application, and

Whereas a recent update sent by the Chancellor to all CEOs indicated that there was "no statutory requirement for the signature," so therefore an application would still be valid without the local senate president's signature,

Welfare to Education Then to Work

Whereas occupational and liberal arts education programs are valid, documented avenues to meaningful nonsubsidized employment and career development, and

Whereas current federal and state legislation prohibits education/training programs longer than 18 months, thus denying numerous employment and career opportunities to TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) recipients who want and who would benefit from such education, and

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