Library and Learning Resources

Library Acquisitions

Whereas the 1987-88 California Community College funding bill for instructional equipment provided specific categorical funds, and

Whereas the 1988-89 funding bill does not contain such a provision,

Resolved that the Academic Senate Research Committee make a comparison of district expenditures on library acquisitions in 1987-88 arid 1988-89 academic years and report at the 1988 Spring Conference.

Library Resources and New Course Approval

Whereas library resources are a vital support for the community college curriculum, and

Whereas new courses and programs are sometimes adopted without consideration of adequate library resource funding to support the courses,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that the curriculum review process include library resource evaluation as a component of new course approval.

Libraries, Learning Resources - Facilities

Whereas libraries and learning resource centers in many cases are unable to provide adequate support to instruction because of inadequate or inappropriate physical facilities, and

Whereas without automated library systems, student, faculty, and administrative access to necessary library material is limited,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support increased funding for physical improvement in libraries and learning resource centers including expansion, maintenance, and library automation.

Library Expenditures

Whereas expenditures for library, media services, and learning resource centers have dropped dramatically in the past decade, and

Whereas equipment, facilities, staff, and materials are essential to the maintenance of quality instructional and support programs and to the development of students' study skills,

Libraries and Senate Materials

Whereas AB 1725, the Master Plan Commission, and the Board of Governors Basic Agenda recommend expanded responsibilities for local senates,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that college libraries be given the responsibility to organize, maintain, and make available to faculty a collection of materials from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and from the local senate.

Learning Resources/Instructional Media and Technology Centers Funding

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognize the staffing/funding deficiencies in community college learning resources/instructional media and technology centers, as identified by the Learning Resources Association of California Community Colleges (LRACCC) and the Chancellor's Office, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, working with the LRACCC and the Chancellor's Office, identify and endorse minimum staffing/funding standards for Learning Resources/Instructional Media and Technology Centers.

Definition of Information Competency

Whereas Resolution 16.02 F96 directed the Academic Senate to urge the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Governors to acknowledge that any development of information competency components and/or programs be the primary responsibility of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas library faculty see information competency as an important component of learning, and

Whereas there is no clear and concise definition of information competency that is currently used in the California Community Colleges, especially as it pertains to curricular development,

Information Competency

Whereas the paper "Information Competency" is proposing drastic changes in Title 5 Regulations, and

Whereas there has been only limited discussion in the field about the many ramifications of the proposals in the paper, including such recommendations (page 11) as making "information competency. . . a required standard in regulation for degree applicable credit courses both general education and the major. . . ,"

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