Student Activities

Whereas studies have shown that student activities can contribute to student retention in college, and

Whereas appropriate student activities can meet the special needs of community college older and part-time students,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to recognize the significance of student activities at their colleges by supporting student governance and other student activities.

Students in the Consultation Process

Whereas the president of the California Student Association of Community Colleges (CalSACC) made a presentation on the proposed student government governance and consultation process at the 1987 Fall Conference of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas the proposal as presented at the 1987 Fall Conference was later accepted by the student delegates to the CalSACC fall conference, and

Whereas the proposal has the support of the California Community College Student Affairs Association and the Vice Chancellor of Student Services in the Chancellor's Office,

Student Involvement in Governance

Whereas the Academic Senate has a long history of support for shared governance, and

Whereas the Academic Senate recognizes that students must have an appropriate role in this process,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges endorse strengthening the role of students in governance as recommended by the Commission for Review of the Master Plan and as incorporated in the September 17, 1987, draft of AB 1725.

Faculty Recognition

Whereas the Academic Senate has identified the need to recognize outstanding faculty, and

Whereas monetary remuneration may not be the only viable alternative, and

Whereas there are faculty members who consistently and unselfishly work to achieve educational excellence, and

Whereas local senates seek guidance and support in this endeavor,

Institutional Research

Whereas the Academic Senate recognizes that institutional research can enhance educational effectiveness,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that institutional research be developed in conjunction with the local academic senates, and that faculty be involved in institutional research including its design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

Research of Local Senates

Whereas the strengthening of academic senates with respect to curriculum and other professional matters implies the assumption of further responsibilities by the faculty, and

Whereas those responsibilities necessitate leadership training and development, and

Whereas activity directed at strengthening the role of faculty and their senates has generated numerous questions about academic governance, particularly the nature of effective senates and effective faculty leadership, and


Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Accrediting Commission to establish policies and guidelines for preparing and submitting accreditation minority reports.

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