Disciplines: Basic Skills

Whereas AB1725 identifies remedial education as a priority, and

Whereas increasing numbers of students in the California Community College require pre-collegiate basic education, and

Whereas there is not a basic skills discipline listed on the Disciplines List, and

Whereas there is widespread disagreement about the creation of a basic skills discipline,

Disciplines: Adaptive PE

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges review the degree requirements for adaptive P.E. approved during the 1989 Fall Session to verify whether or not "occupational" therapy was correctly used instead of "physical" therapy, and

Resolved that if the Executive Committee finds that physical therapy was intended that the correction be made.

Discipline Review

Whereas AB 1725 mandates that the system of minimum qualifications be evaluated at least every three years (87357a2), and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has established an effective process of consultation and formal hearings regarding the development of, and modification to, the Disciplines List, and

Whereas the first revisions to the Disciplines List, based on the recommendations of this session, will be presented to the Board of Governors in Spring 1990,

Summer Pay for Senates

Whereas a major mandate of AB 1725 is the full participation of faculty in the educational enterprise, particularly in academic and professional matters, and

Whereas much of the business of the college is conducted during summer months, and

Whereas many major decisions affecting the academic program must be made during the summer months, and

Whereas in most colleges, most faculty work on 10-month contract,

Classified Senates

Whereas it is the policy of the Academic Senate to support and promote participation of all segments of shared governance, and

Whereas classified staff commonly are not recognized to participate as an independent body,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that they encourage and assist the development of classified senates or councils.

AB 1725 Funding

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that they be actively involved in all decisions concerning the spending of all AB 1725 funds allocated to the college.

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