Disciplines: Child Development Center Specialists

Whereas child development specialists are faculty members at 30 colleges, and

Whereas no minimum qualifications for these faculty members were established,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors the addition of Child Development Specialists to the list of non-teaching positions with a minimum qualification of an Associate degree.

Basic Skills Committee Report

Whereas the Academic Senate

Resolved at the Spring 1990 Session to establish an ad hoc committee on basic skills to continue the discussion of the establishment of a basic skills discipline, and

Whereas the Ad Hoc Basic Skills Committee held five hearings statewide on the issue and completed its deliberations,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges accept the final report of the Ad Hoc Basic Skills Committee.

Graduate Students Teaching in California Community Colleges

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Board of Governors to adopt regulations permitting community college districts to hire interns as part-time faculty members even if they do not meet the minimum qualifications provided that:

a. The interns are enrolled in a graduate program at an accredited institution of higher education and have completed at least half of their graduate program which would give them the minimum qualifications in the discipline of hire, and

Class Scheduling

Whereas shared governance should include faculty involvement in deciding the scheduling of classes, and

Whereas the Academic Senate has supported a greater senate role in budget development,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that they develop a procedure whereby faculty are involved in scheduling classes and determining which courses are offered.

Local Distribution of Resolutions

Whereas there is a need to promote the effectiveness of the Academic Senate's resolutions, recommendations, positions papers and models, and

Whereas a network of faculty is needed at each college responsible for facilitating communication between local senates and the Academic Senate, and

Whereas this network can be the voice of the local academic senates,

Legislative Update - Proposition 98

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges inform local senates, districts, and colleges of the urgency of preserving Proposition 98, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend colleges send as many letters as possible to the Governor and the legislature urging the Proposition 98 be preserved, and

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