Business Administration Articulation

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its commitment to the full and successful implementation of Senate Bill 121 as adopted in the Academic Senate Resolution 16.04 (F93), and

Resolved that the Academic Senate extend the time requirement of Resolution 16.04 (F93) to a future session and direct the Executive Committee to present a model for the development of a formal articulation agreement in Business Administration, and

Math and Language Sequences Descriptors

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the document Articulation of Math and Language Skills Sequences as amended and forward it to college instruction offices for distribution to counseling faculty for use as appropriate, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate request that the Chancellor's Office Basic Skills Advisory Committee include on a future agenda a review of the document in consultation with professional organizations, and refer recommendations for updating the document to the Executive Committee.

Americans with Disabilities Act: Compliance and Capital Outlay

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its Resolution 3.1 (F93) asking that local senates be knowledgeable about the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it affects their colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that they monitor how capital outlay funds, under new Board regulations, are being spent to meet ADA needs at their colleges.

ADA Student and Staff Equity

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates:
1. that they encourage their colleges to provide staff development training regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA;
2. that they encourage their colleges to inform students of their rights under ADA to be properly matriculated into classes;
3. that they encourage their colleges to review job descriptions for faculty and staff for compliance with ADA in order to create a more diverse faculty and staff; and

Funding Support for Diversity Incentives

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has maintained a commitment to the success of our diverse student population, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted the Student Equity Guidelines document which included the concept of incentives which will serve to motivate institutional and individual efforts, and

Whereas it is in our best interest as educators to successfully educate our diverse student population, and

Incentive Program for Diversity

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the concepts in the consultation digest on Incentive Program-A Concept Paper and work to incorporate the following concerns:
1. study Student Equity plans for indication of underrepresented student success in a variety of areas;
2. expand the paper to include the role of the Academic Senate;
3. BCPs which provide incentives to colleges include an allocation for the local academic senate;
4. clarify what kinds of incentives are being provided;

Staff and Student Diversity Office

Whereas the duties and responsibilities of an affirmative action officer have grown over the years, and

Whereas on many campuses this position has become an additional assignment for a given individual,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that they support the development of a staff and student diversity office at their college where the affirmative action officer is given sufficient time, resources, and support to adequately carry out the duties of that office.

Multi-College Districts

Whereas small colleges in multi-college districts are harmed by their faculty's not meeting the 75/25 rule, and

Whereas the language of the 75/25 provisions of AB 1725 was designed to prevent misuse of the part-time faculty, and

Whereas the current language applies only to district compliance,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the legislature to make the 75/25 rule apply to individual colleges in multi-college districts.

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