Reading Competency Requirements

Whereas, Reading skills and strategies are core competencies inherently fundamental to all information acquisition, measurements of success in student progression, and achievement;

Whereas, Reading is a skill paramount to the educational process and the workplace, regardless of educational goals, expectations, or outcomes;

Effective Practices

Whereas, The Academic Senate often presents on effective practices in breakouts at plenary sessions and institutes;

Whereas, The Academic Senate often provides effective practices in Rostrum articles; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate often provides effective practices in papers;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work to provide summaries and checklists on effective practices on its website for easy reference by local senate leaders. MSC Disposition: Local Senates

Topic Experts Provided by Academic Senate

Whereas, Local senate executive teams change frequently in colleges and districts, necessitating access to resources and information on a variety of issues pertinent to faculty;

Whereas, The Executive Committee for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges also changes regularly, and local senate leaders cannot always recognize which members of the Executive Committee are experts in each area of responsibility assigned to the Academic Senate through Title 5 and elsewhere; and

Student Equity Plan

Whereas, Title 5 54220 required each California community college to submit a student equity plan by January 31, 2005;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted the revised Guidelines to Developing a Student Equity Plan, and the Board of Governors adopted the "Equity and Diversity Task Force Report" (Fall 2002); and

Whereas, Local academic senates have a formal commitment to equity and diversity;

Adopt Working With the 2002 Accreditation Standards: The Faculty's Role

Whereas, The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), a division of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), has adopted the new 2002 Accreditation Standards;

Whereas, The 2002 Accreditation Standards offer a range of significant changes from previous accreditation standards, primarily with their reliance on Student Learning Outcomes;

Noncredit Funding

Whereas, There are currently budget proposals to raise apportionment for some noncredit FTES to the same level as credit FTES;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopted Resolution 5.02 F04 that supports efforts to remedy the disparity between noncredit and credit funding without taking away from the current level of credit funding; and

Whereas, A change in funding would greatly affect many areas of noncredit offerings;

Amendment Resolution 6.05

Amend the final resolve:

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose changing the limitation of the teaching load for part-time faculty to 80% until such time as the ASCCC has researched the potential impact this effort may have upon our current positions and reported its findings to the body. MSR Disposition: Executive Committee to research and report at Spring 2006 Plenary Session.

Amend Resolution 6.05

Amend the first resolve to read:

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its commitment to the 75:25 ratio and the desire to see more part-time faculty become full-time; and Strike final resolve. MSR Disposition: Executive Committee to research and report at Spring 2006 Plenary Session

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