Address CCCApply Impact on Current Incarcerated Individuals and Justice-Involved Students (Rising Scholars)

Whereas, The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), county justice centers, and California community colleges are bound by complicated constraints, including laws, contractual agreements, policies, and funding formulas, and policies, procedures, and processes that meet the needs of incarcerated students, faculty, and collegiate support staff serving the incarcerated students and support the needs of the corrections staff under the memorandum of understanding between the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office  and CDCR need to be established to preser

Support Vision 2030 Goals and Strategic Directions

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Vision 2030 [1] merges elements of the Vision for Success and the Governor’s Roadmap for California Community Colleges into three goals of equity in access, equity in support, and equity in success and three strategic directions of equitable baccalaureate attainment, equitable workforce and economic development, and the future of learning, all of which were adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors on September 26, 2023; and

Communicate Requirements of Articulation of High School Courses

Whereas, AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022) [1], signed into law on September 30, 2022, requires California community colleges to place and enroll nearly all students directly into transfer-level English and mathematics courses when enrolling in an English or mathematics course and also establishes that community colleges may not require students to repeat courses taken in high school [2]; and

Academic Senate Support for Increasing Faculty Diversity and Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Evaluation and Tenure Review Processes

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges' (ASCCC) commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, anti-racism, and accessibility has been affirmed in the following resolutions: 07.02 S23 Ensuring Anti-racist California Community College Online Faculty Training Materials [1], 13.04 S23 Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom/Solidarity with Faculty Across the Nation [2], 01.01 F22 Adopt the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Mission, Vision, and Values Statements that Include Anti

Honoring Wheeler North with Senator Emeritus Status

Whereas, The bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of senator emeritus for the purpose of recognizing the meritorious service of a faculty member upon or after retirement, and Wheeler North has satisfied those requirements as a faculty member of the California Community Colleges system whose service has well exceeded the required five years of significant service to the ASCCC;

Staying Connected and Connecting Others

With so much occurring throughout the state of California, faculty leaders may wonder how to stay up to date on current matters and how to keep other faculty informed. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) provides a number of newsletters and listservs to help faculty stay connected and informed. Such resources from the ASCCC provide ways to connect other faculty to information on statewide academic and professional matters.

Are Your Instructors Ready for Noncredit?

Noncredit adult education in California traces its origins back to 1856, when the first adult school opened in San Francisco and offered courses in basic numeracy, literacy, and vocational education to immigrants (West, 2012). Supporting a population influx fueled by the gold rush, California’s new statehood status, and the marketing promises of the West, noncredit adult education provided a foundation for what would soon be the community college system and adult educational opportunities in California.

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