College Directory

Below you will find the directory listings for each college senate. Please click a college name for more information. If you discover that the directory information posted is inaccurate, please send an email to directoryupdate [at] with the correct information and it will be updated promptly.

Compton 90221-5393
College Area: C
Compton CCD
Martinez 94553-1278
College Area: B
Contra Costa CCD
San Pablo 94806
College Area: B
Contra Costa CCD
Joshua Tree 92252-6100
College Area: D
Copper Mountain CCD
Sacramento 95823-5799
College Area: A
Los Rios CCD
Yucaipa 92399-1799
College Area: D
San Bernardino CCD
San Luis Obispo 93403-8106
College Area: C
San Luis Obispo Co CCD
El Cajon 92019-4304
College Area: D
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD
Cypress 90630-5897
College Area: D
North Orange Co CCD
Cupertino 95014-5797
College Area: B
Foothill-De Anza CCD