AB 302

AB 302
ASCCC Position
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is writing to express our support for AB 302 (Berman, as of 25 March 2019), which “would require a community college campus that has parking facilities on campus to grant overnight access to those facilities, on or before July 1, 2020, to any homeless student who is enrolled in coursework, has paid any enrollment fees that have not been waived, and is in good standing with the community college, for the purpose of sleeping in the student’s vehicle overnight” and “would require the governing board of the community college district to determine a plan of action to implement this requirement, as specified.” This position reflects the collective wisdom of the 60,000 faculty of the California Community Colleges system as expressed at our organization’s 2019 Spring Plenary Session through Resolution 6.04 SP19 (https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/support-ab-302-berman-march252019-and-identify-housing-assistance-representatives).