CTE Liaison Gathering

Register for CTE Liaison Gathering: November 10, 2021 11:00 a.m. to noon
Topic: How to be an Effective CTE Liaison, Part I

There are 10 + 1 suggestions for CTE Liaisons stated below. Join us to share about how you are doing in each of these areas and learn what others have done.

CTE Liaison Expectations 10 + 1

1. Participate in the ASCCC CTE listserv
2. Communicate with local senate, local campus CTE faculty, and noncredit faculty regarding statewide CTE conversations relevant to your college.
3. Attend local senate meetings and report as needed about statewide issues of concern in CTE
4. Facilitating local and regional CTE discussions
5. Identify CTE issues of concern locally or regionally
6. Communicate opportunities for CTE faculty to participate in CTE related statewide initiatives, workgroups, committees and taskforces to ensure that CTE interests are represented
7. Communicate the Board of Governors Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation, and a Strong Economy recommendations and participate in conversations to implement system-wide policies and practices that may significantly affect career technical education programs
8. Create a mechanism to communicate with CTE faculty on your campus around issues of common concern
9. Serve as a conduit between the local CTE faculty and the CTE Leadership Committee representatives in your area
10. Identify CTE faculty at your college and in your region to serve locally and statewide on committees and taskforces
11. As funding permits, attend state-level events (CCCAOE, ASCCC) and regional consortia meetings

Save the Date:

February 15, 2022 1-2pm CTE Liaison Zoom Hour – How to be an Effective CTE Liaison Part II

March 24, 2022 2-3pm CTE Liaison Zoom Hour - CTE, Noncredit, & the Career and Noncredit Institute