Textbook Pricing

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success
Status Report

Initiated discussions with publishers' representatives.Paper to be produced by Ed Policies will address these issues.

I think we have done the second resolved many times.  Not sure about the first.

Whereas, Textbook prices have increased beyond the resources of many students;

Whereas, New editions are often published with few content changes, making used books unavailable, and unnecessary bundling increases the costs to students;

Whereas, Marketing costs account for over 15% of the cost to students; and

Whereas, Textbooks are sold to individuals via the Internet for significantly less than they are sold in bulk to college bookstores;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges contact textbook publishers and urge them to establish production, business and pricing policies that do not unfairly penalize students who purchase their books at college bookstores; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage faculty to consider the cost of books as one of the criteria in book selection, and that faculty encourage the publishing companies they work with to adopt production, business and pricing policies that are responsive to that concern.