Worksheets for Computation of 75:25

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office

Whereas the understanding of, and the ability to, calculate figures for the number of flu-time faculty and the 75:25 ratio at colleges and districts is still beyond the reach of many faculty leaders, and

Whereas an accurate method of computation could be used consistently at the local level,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to develop model worksheets, with explanatory narrative, for the computation of the 75:25 ratio of full-time/part-time faculty and for the calculation of the number of full-time faculty at the college and district, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to distribute these materials to the local senates for their use in responding to their obligations as defined in Title 5, Section 53200.
M/S/U Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates