"Advisories" Issued by the Chancellor's Office

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

A request for this practice was sent to the Chancellor. An agreement for informal consideration was reached.

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has sent out advisories to the field interpreting regulations regarding academic and professional matters without consulting the Academic Senate, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office most recently sent out legal advisories on Proposition 209 (educational programming and student success) and shared governance (faculty roles in governance) without consulting the Academic Senate, and

Whereas the Chancellor indicated that he would leave the interpretation of Title 5, 53200 - 204 (faculty in governance) to the accepted definitions agreed to by the Academic Senate and the Community College League of California, yet the advisories went out anyway,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to direct the Chancellor to consult the Academic Senate prior to sending out advisories to the field on academic and professional matters.