Honors Programs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Equity and Diversity Action Committee
Students Preparation and Success
Survey honors programs and develop, write, and present a report on the diversity of those enrolled in these programs at a future breakout.
Status Report

SP07 3.01 indicates this research resulted in a finding that data on student equity in honors programs is not available. Recommend deeming this complete and turning efforts towards SP07 3.01.

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has supported student equity in all areas of student activities and the development of curriculum, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has supported honors programs in resolution 20.04 F98, and

Whereas honors programs have traditionally been a bridge to help students transfer, and

Whereas honors programs have sometimes been seen as elitist, favoring one group over others, but there is no data to support this view,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to survey honors programs and develop, write, and present at a future plenary session a report on the diversity of students enrolled in these programs.