Technology Reorganization in System Office

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Support changes in the System Office that:
create a more effective technology oversight and budgeting structure;ensure the academic integrity of distance education offerings by providing training, support and stable infrastructure;
facilitate continued support for the appropriate use of technology to enhance student learning and success;
recognize that decisions about the use of technological resources must be made with consideration of both academic and financial factors;
maintain the provision of current systemwide technology services at a reduced cost; and
enhance the advisory committee structure to include discussion of wider technology and education issues.
Status Report

The Distance Education Technology Advisory Council, where this would be considered was disbanded this year and was reinstated under a new advisory charter which began meeting in mid May, 2007. ETAC Liaisons to follow-up, the survey has been improved annually and should continue to so be updated. Executive Committee Liaisons will continue this.

Whereas, The System Office agency review may include evaluation and adjustment of the way technology services are provided to the system; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has many existing positions regarding technology;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support changes in the System Office that:
create a more effective technology oversight and budgeting structure;ensure the academic integrity of distance education offerings by providing training, support and stable infrastructure;
facilitate continued support for the appropriate use of technology to enhance student learning and success;
recognize that decisions about the use of technological resources must be made with consideration of both academic and financial factors;
maintain the provision of current systemwide technology services at a reduced cost; and
enhance the advisory committee structure to include discussion of wider technology and education issues.