CCLC Report

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges accept the report on the Community College League of California submitted by Phil Hartley and his committee, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges accept the recommendations regarding the Community College League of California on the last page of the Hartley report, as follows:

1. The Academic Senate should refrain from making faculty appointments to the governing board or commissions of CCLC. This position should derive from a concern over the use of resources of the Senate. Faced with identifying, recruiting and appointing faculty to its own and system committees and projects, the Academic Senate should decline to use its processes to appoint faculty to projects with a lessor importance and priority.

The Academic Senate should refrain from making faculty appointments to the governing board or commissions of CCLC. The Academic Senate urges local senates to support this position by refraining from endorsing any faculty appointments to the governing board or commissions of CCLC.

2. The Academic Senate should not be remiss in responding to inquiries from the Board of Governors or Chancellor's staff concerning CCLC in that CCLC represents a view that does not support the future development of a stronger Board of Governors or Chancellor's Office.

3. Local academic senates may wish to discuss with their local governing board the cost/benefit ratio of CCLC dues in view of the diminished intention to support activities that benefit all segments of the college.

4. Any faculty members choosing to serve on the board or commissions of CCLC on their own volition is representing only an individual viewpoint, not the views of the faculty of the community college system.

5. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges shall be proactive in communicating to the Board of Governors or Chancellor's staff concerning CCLC in that CCLC represents a view that does not support the future development of a stronger Board Of Governors or Chancellor's Office.