Topic Experts Provided by Academic Senate

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

There are presentations on current and urgent topics at each session and many of the institutes. Rostrum articles and the President's Update address many of these issues to keep local senates informed. The ASCCC has also started to process of developing response teams (beginning with the topic of accreditation) to deal with many of these issues.

Whereas, Local senate executive teams change frequently in colleges and districts, necessitating access to resources and information on a variety of issues pertinent to faculty;

Whereas, The Executive Committee for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges also changes regularly, and local senate leaders cannot always recognize which members of the Executive Committee are experts in each area of responsibility assigned to the Academic Senate through Title 5 and elsewhere; and

Whereas, In addition to the excellent resource son the Academic Senate website, identifying a resource person in select topic areas would be extremely useful and efficient in assisting local senate executive teams;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore ways to identify or provide experts on topics (e.g., budget, accreditation, professional development) as a resource for local senates, thereby providing much needed continuity and stability for local senates. MSCDisposition: Local Senates