Senator Emeritus Status for Mike McHargue

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Bestow upon Mike McHargue the status of senator emeritus.
Status Report

The Senate Office updated information to designate MIke as Senator Emeritus with all the privileges granted to him including free fall and spring plenary registration and Rostrum publications.

Whereas, Mike McHargue has been an active member of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges since the spring of 1982, having served on such committees as Education Policies, Counseling and Library Faculty Issues Committee, and Faculty Development;

Whereas, Mike McHargue was a presenter at more than 20 plenary breakout sessions on topics ranging from staff development to basic skills and served on the Academic Senate Executive Committee as the Area B representative for one year, with distinction and aplomb;

Whereas, Mike McHargue was a 1995 Hayward Award winner; and

Whereas, The faculty of Foothill College wholeheartedly and enthusiastically support Mike McHargue's nomination for senator emeritus;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges bestow upon Mike McHargue the status of senator emeritus for his years of tireless service to the community college faculty of California with all the rights and privileges conferred by the designation. MSU Disposition: Local Senates