Student Cheating

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Educational Policies Committee
Grading Policies
Investigate whether or not the interpretation of Title 5 Regulations and Education Code that does not allow an instructor to fail a student for an entire course for one incident of academic dishonesty is correct; and if correct, then pursue a change in regulation or law that gives full discretion to the instructor as to the penalty for a student engaging in any form of academic dishonesty.
Status Report

The 06-07 committee met on January 19, 2007 with Ralph Black concerning his opinion that an instructor cannot fail a student in a class for academic dishonesty on one assignment. The topic was undergoing a general review of Title 5 by Black in consultation with SACC and the President. The 07-08 committee completed its assignment to be available for consultation. If further action is required it should be assigned to President or SACC representatives. An additional resolution was passed S08 (14.03)

Whereas, When a student has engaged in any form of academic dishonesty, the array of penalties that the instructor may impose on a student has been limited in some districts but not in others; and

Whereas, A 1995 opinion by Ralph Black, then legal counsel in the System Office, holds that an instructor may fail a student for the assignment on which that student engaged in cheating or plagiarism, but not award a failing grade for the entire course for one incident of cheating or plagiarism;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges investigate whether or not the interpretation of Title 5 Regulations and Education Code that does not allow an instructor to fail a student for an entire course for one incident of academic dishonesty, no matter how egregious, is correct; and

Resolved, That if the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges finds this interpretation to be correct, then the Academic Senate pursue a change in regulation or law that gives full discretion to the instructor as to the penalty for a student engaging in any form of academic dishonesty. MSC Disposition: Local Senates