Reclaiming of Grant Purchased Equipment

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Work with the System Office to develop a procedure for the reclaiming of equipment once a grant has ended that permits colleges sufficient time to replace needed equipment.
Status Report

Completed. This resolution was developed to address a unique situation with grant funding. However, DETAC and TTAC representatives will continue to monitor this issue.

Whereas, Grant funds are often used to purchase equipment that serve students and local colleges in ways other than prescribed in these grants;

Whereas, Such funds are frequently designed to aid in the development of a program that is eventually to be institutionalized and supported locally;

Whereas, Typically, local colleges retain ownership of equipment technically belonging to the federal government, state government, or other grant-awarding entities; and

Whereas, College budget processes require ample lead time for the purchase of replacement equipment if grant-purchased equipment is reclaimed;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the System Office to develop a procedure for the reclaiming of equipment once a grant has ended that permits colleges sufficient time to replace needed equipment. MSC Disposition: System Office, Local Senates