Grading, Student Equity, and Developing Senate Guidelines

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Committee
Grading Policies
Develop a set of "best practices" for local academic senates with regard to grade distribution and rigor of academic programs.
Status Report

Revised and sent back to the author.

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges supports quality education for all students in a fair and equitable manner;

Whereas, There can be vast differences between grade distributions for students taking the same course with different instructors, formats and lengths;

Whereas, Online professor ranking services are demanding grade distributions from institutions and students are making their choices based upon these sources; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognizes the primacy and importance of academic freedom to assign grades;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a set of "best practices" for local academic senates with regard to grade distribution and rigor of academic programs. MSR Disposition: Revise resolution (eg: model discussion questions - not model grade distribution) and bring back in Spring 2007.