Academic Senate Oversight of the Basic Skills Initiative

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Request that the Chancellor's Office, as the project monitor of the Basic Skills Initiative grant, immediately direct the administrators of the Basic Skills Initiative grant to rely primarily upon the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in faculty appointments, development of regional networks, communication with local senates, and overall guidance of the project as it relates to academic and professional matters; request that before funding for additional years is approved, the Chancellor's Office evaluate the implementation of the current grant to determine whether the Academic Senate is playing an appropriate leadership role as the voice of the faculty in academic and professional matters and if not, to re-open the grant in such a way that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is given an equal opportunity to compete.
Status Report

The concerns have been raised. At the present time, it appears there will be no changes in the grant.

Whereas, The Basic Skills Initiative was initiated and developed by leaders of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in collaboration with chief instructional officers (CIOs) and chief student services officers (CSSOs) throughout the state, who recognized and promoted the role of faculty in ensuring the success of students;

Whereas, The statewide organizations of both the CIOs and the CSSOs have actively supported the leadership role of the Academic Senate in administering two phases of the Basic Skills Initiative in a manner that supported the primacy of faculty in academic and professional matters as defined in Title 5 53200(b);

Whereas, The Academic Senate was advised by the Chancellor's Office not to apply for the 2009 Basic Skills Initiative grant because of the perceived possibility of bias in the application process due to the Academic Senate's advisory role to all individual colleges throughout the state; and

Whereas, Only one application was ultimately received for the 2009 Basic Skills Initiative grant, which resulted in the transfer of leadership of the Basic Skills Initiative away from the Academic Senate without the awareness of local basic skills coordinators and other faculty involved in basic skills across the state, with a possible negative impact on collegial consultation and faculty involvement at the local level;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that the Chancellor's Office, as the project monitor of the Basic Skills Initiative grant, immediately direct the administrators of the Basic Skills Initiative grant to rely primarily upon the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in faculty appointments, development of regional networks, communication with local senates, and overall guidance of the project as it relates to academic and professional matters; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that before funding for additional years is approved, the Chancellor's Office evaluate the implementation of the current grant to determine whether the Academic Senate is playing an appropriate leadership role as the voice of the faculty in academic and professional matters and if not, to re-open the grant in such a way that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is given an equal opportunity to compete.

MSU Disposition: Statewide Organization for CIOs and CSSOs, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates