
Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success
Not Addressed
Status Report

Most of this did not happen.  We have  addressed the second resolved somewhat.

Whereas, The ever-rising cost of textbooks has become a serious, ongoing problem for the students in the California Community College System;

Whereas, Implementation of H.R. 4127 (2010) will require colleges and faculty to provide detailed information on textbooks on their Internet and printed class schedules and in their bookstores so that students will be able to secure less expensive textbooks for their classes or rent them;

Whereas, In recent years many resources and methods of securing less expensive textbooks have become available, including online services, used or rental book programs, and other options; and

Whereas, The sooner faculty choose the textbooks for their classes and make those choices known to their departments and the college bookstore, the easier it is for students to find alternative, less expensive ways to get their textbooks;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assist colleges to comply with H.R. 4127 (2010) by publishing a Rostrum article, a brief printed guide, and/or an instructional guide on its website;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to find ways to alert their faculty each term that the sooner they select their textbooks for their courses, the easier it is for students to secure less expensive or free textbooks for their classes; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop and maintain a section of its website devoted to alternative resources on textbook acquisition.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates