Creation of a Part-Time Faculty Member of the Year Award

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

The Academic Senate Foundation has already done this through the scholarships the Foundation has given to part-time faculty to attend institutes and plenary sessions. The Foundation will continue to provide these scholarships. In addition, part-time faculty can also be nominated for any of the Senate's awards. The language on the correspondence sent to the field will be modified to encourage local senates to also consider part-time faculty when searching for candidates.

Whereas, California community college part-time faculty are invaluable partners in ensuring student success by providing high quality instruction and dedication to their profession;

Whereas, California community college part-time faculty contribute significantly to campus enrichment through activities such as serving on committees and as faculty advisors and participating in departmental, divisional, and campus-wide activities such as curriculum development, assessment, and program review; and

Whereas, There are various awards that recognize faculty excellence that, although open to all faculty, historically advantage full-time faculty;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges create a yearly award for a part-time faculty member that recognizes excellence in teaching and outstanding contributions to the campus environment and to student success and that the award amount and presentation be consistent with other comparable faculty awards given by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates