Admissions Priorities and Practices Regarding Out-of-State and International Students

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success
In Progress
Status Report

I think the survey may have happened. I am not sure the Rostrum article did--I can't find one. But to be honest, while I recall us discussing this, I am not sure much happened at all.

Whereas, Restrictive and inadequate funding from the state and enrollments caps have forced colleges to seek alternate sources of revenue;

Whereas, Out of state and international students pay higher fees and in many colleges are guaranteed 12 units; and

Whereas, Many colleges give enrollment priority to out of state and international students, thereby depriving resident students of access in spite of their contributions to California higher education;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges research and gather data from local colleges and districts on the impact of priority registration of out-of-state and international students on access for resident students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges also research, summarize, and report to the body ways of integrating out-of-state and international student programs into colleges and districts ways that provide documented benefits to all students; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges urge colleges to identify local priorities regarding instruction and sites in other countries, taking into consideration the effects on instruction, services and resources needed to educate resident students.

MSR Disposition: Referred to the Executive Committee to perfect and return to the body in spring.