Role of California Community College Libraries in the Implementation of the Student Success Task Force Recommendations

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

Senate Representatives to the Student Success Task Force expressed the concerns noted in this resolution during meetings of the task force.

Whereas, The Student Success Task Force Recommendations were developed to make California community college students more successful;

Whereas, The role and services of California community college libraries and librarians are not mentioned in the Student Success Task Force Recommendations; and

Whereas, The 2011 paper Standards of Practice for California Community College Library Faculty and Programs illustrates how libraries and library faculty play a significant role in supporting college curriculum and helping students succeed academically;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to ensure California community college libraries and librarians are fully involved in the implementation of the Student Success Task Force Recommendations; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage California community college library faculty to become involved with local implementation of the Student Success Task Force Recommendations.

MSC Disposition: Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates