Emeritus Status for Ian Walton

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

The Senate Office updated information to designate Ian as Senator Emeritus with all the privileges granted to him including free fall and spring plenary registration and Rostrum publications.

Whereas, The Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of senator emeritus on individuals;

Whereas, Ian Walton has satisfied those requirements as a retired faculty member of the California Community College System who has completed more than the required five years of significant service to the Academic Senate:

  • Executive Committee member of the State Academic Senate from 1998 to 2007;
  • Treasurer, Vice President, and President of the Academic Senate;
  • Chair of numerous Senate committees including Educational Policies, Occupational Education, Technology, and Relations with Local Senates;
  • Significant leadership in groups such as the Education Roundtable, Distance Education Technology Advisory Committee, the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (ICAS), and Consultation Council;
  • Significant leadership in facilitating the raising of community college degree standards and establishing the CCC Basic Skills Initiative as a means to ensure student success within the context of the higher standards;
  • Colleague who by example personifies collegiality, dedication, and integrity at his college and statewide while maintaining the occasional sublime irreverence with introspective wit, melodious and depressing Celtic ballads, and many late evenings spent pondering the good nature of single-malt whiskey and dark chocolate; and

Whereas, Ian Walton has contributed to countless papers and resolutions and provided wise counsel, founded on years of experience at Mission College and as a member of Area B, and has consistently demonstrated leadership with intelligence and unfailing grace, all presented with a delightfully sexy Scottish brogue;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognize Ian Walton’s extraordinary and distinguished service by awarding him the status of senator emeritus with all rights and privileges thereof; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges convey to Ian Walton its heartfelt congratulations upon his retirement and wish him and his family every happiness in the many years to come.

MSA Disposition: Local Senates