Progress Indicator Implementation for Noncredit Coursework

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Grading Policies
Status Report

Resolutions 14.01 (S12) and 13.04 (S10):  SP Noncredit Indicators approved by the Board of Governors at its September 2016 meeting


Whereas, Accountability reporting is required by the Legislature and plays an important role in describing the work of education by providing data for decision making regarding funding, program review, course offerings, learning and curriculum, hiring and overall institutional effectiveness;

Whereas, Noncredit education is currently limited to reporting all success as UG (ungraded) at the state level, equating to a documented success rate of zero, which does not accurately reflect the actual successful outcomes of noncredit education; and

Whereas, The Noncredit Accountability Task Force has successfully completed and analyzed three semesters of pilot progress indicators and grading data involving both large and small noncredit institutions in the California Community College System as directed by previous resolutions (3.04 S10, 09.01 F09, and 13.01 S08);

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to change Title 5 to allow MIS (Management Information Systems) submission of the noncredit progress indicators of A, B, C, D, F, P and NP with the addition of SP (Satisfactory Progress) where SP indicates satisfactory progress towards the completion of a course and A, B, C, D, F, P and NP are used as currently defined in Title 5 for credit and noncredit courses (§55021/§55023); and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges advocate for and support that noncredit practitioners direct and guide the implementation of progress indicators based upon the research and guidelines of the Noncredit Task Force and Association of Community and Continuing Education (ACCE).

Reference: CEC § 84757 Categories of Noncredit Courses Eligible for State Funding and further described for funding in Title 5, § 55002(c) & 55150.

MSC Disposition: Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates

Appendix E