ASCCC Involvement in the California Community College Institutional Effectiveness and Technical Assistance Program

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office

Whereas, In September 2014 the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for a new California Community College Institutional Effectiveness and Technical Assistance Program “for the benefit of all California Community Colleges and Students” with a goal of “develop[ing] and manage[ing] a comprehensive technical assistance program to enhance institutional effectiveness and further student success”;

Whereas, The RFA for the Institutional Effectiveness and Technical Assistance Program solicits a community college district to serve as fiscal agent for the program and states that the grant recipient “will be responsible solely for handling the creation, fiscal and logistical needs, and the evaluation and expansion of the program” but does not at any point require the grant recipient to consult or coordinate with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges;

Whereas, The RFA states that the primary areas in which the program will provide technical assistance are accreditation status, fiscal viability, student performance and outcomes, and programmatic compliance with state and federal guidelines and that the grant recipient will “establish a network of content experts” to help provide assistance in these areas to districts; and

Whereas, Three of the four areas in which the program will provide technical assistance —accreditation status, fiscal viability, student performance and outcomes—are related to the Academic Senate’s purview over academic and professional matters, and the Academic Senate should be the content expert to provide assistance in the area of student performance and outcomes;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request of and strongly urge the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to require the recipient of the Institutional Effectiveness and Technical Assistance Program Grant to contract directly with the Academic Senate regarding technical assistance in the areas of student performance and outcomes and to consult appropriately with the Academic Senate regarding technical assistance in the areas of accreditation status and fiscal viability.