Aligning State Reporting Deadlines With Academic Calendars

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

This resolution is old. 2017 - 18: The co-chair will consider whether this resolution is still relevant.

Whereas, Colleges are required, per Education Code, to allow effective participation by staff and students in college governance and to collegially consult with the faculty through academic senates, which includes allowing for sufficient vetting of critical documents and reports through college governance structures;

Whereas, Most, if not all, academic senates do not meet during the summer and most faculty who are not on special assignments are not required to work during the summer, and therefore academic senates cannot deliberate and act on critical matters until the fall semester resumes;

Whereas, State-mandated reports that are directly tied to a college’s funding are often revised during the summer to include additional reporting elements, making accurate data gathering and review through college governance bodies and academic senates nearly impossible to conclude in a timely manner, particularly if governing board approval is required, when report submission dates are set during the fall term; and

Whereas, The legislative and academic calendars are not aligned, yet the legislature expects funds to be spent during the fiscal year;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor’s Office to align the distribution of state reporting documents and state reporting deadlines with academic calendars; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with its system partners and the Chancellor’s Office to establish reasonable and workable deadlines for submission of all reports related to academic and professional matters that specifically affect college budget allotments.