Endorse Consortium Approach to Expanding Online Educational Opportunities

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office

Whereas, a May 11, 2017 letter from Governor Brown to Chancellor Oakley directed the chancellor to “act with dispatch and create a plan to design and deploy a fully online college,” and the chancellor convened the Flex Options for Workers (FLOW) workgroup to provide “3 – 5 options (with pros and cons for each) that enable the community colleges of California to better deliver on the student success goals outlined on pages 15-16 in the Vision for Success[1] recently adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors;”

Whereas, At the October 30, 2017 meeting of the FLOW workgroup the facilitators presented three possible options accompanied by pros and cons of each for consideration, but presentation of the options was unequal; and

Whereas, The consensus of the FLOW workgroup was to support the establishment of a cooperative or consortium of colleges or districts to develop a new online opportunity that would meet the stated goals of the governor and the presumed needs of the target population identified by the chancellor, as this option best meets the governor’s stated directive of “building on the system’s existing efforts that foster student success;”

Whereas, The timeline set by the governor for development of the plan does not allow time for sufficient consultation and deliberation, and thus system constituencies wishing to take a position must act without full opportunity for consideration and review, as must the chancellor and the California Community Colleges Board of Governors;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, given the timeline provided by the governor, endorse the establishment of a cooperative or consortium of colleges or districts to develop a new online opportunity that would meet the stated goals of the governor and the presumed needs of the target population identified by the chancellor; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the chancellor to request of the governor an extended deadline in order that a plan for meeting the governor’s goals be developed with greater consultation, deliberation, and effectiveness.