Adopt the Guided Pathways Glossary of Terms

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Committee
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Proposer Contact
Carrie Roberson, Executive Committee

Whereas, Resolution 13.02 S18 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) to create a guided pathways handbook, and Resolution 13.03 S18 directed the ASCCC to conduct research on guided pathways outcomes in California; Whereas, The development of a common language, vocabulary, and a glossary of terms assists colleges with their local implementation of guided pathways; and

Whereas, A draft version of a Guided Pathways Glossary of Terms has been vetted and edited and includes input from the ASCCC Executive Committee, the ASCCC Guided Pathways Task Force, local colleges’ designated Guided Pathways Liaisons, and faculty at various guided pathways activities;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the Guided Pathways Glossary of Terms[1] for distribution and to provide guidance on further guided pathways efforts.