Term Limits of Three One-year Terms for Officers and Two Two-year Terms for Representatives

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

The ASCCC Rules have been updated with the language included in the resolution. 

Whereas, Objective 2.2 of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Strategic Plan is to “Increase the diversity of faculty representation on committees of the ASCCC, including the Executive Committee, and other system consultation bodies to better reflect the diversity of California”;

Whereas, Attendees of ASCCC plenary sessions have expressed the perception that being elected to the Executive Committee is unreasonably difficult due in part to the longevity in office of some incumbents;

Whereas, The ASCCC bylaws currently only set limits for the office of president; and

Whereas, Establishing consistent term limits for all offices and positions would increase opportunities for a wider pool of candidates and thereby promote greater inclusion and participation by reducing the number of incumbents who might seek re-election in the same position or office;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges amend its Rules so that Section 1.C reads as follows:

Terms of Office

1)    Terms for Officers shall be one year.

2)    Terms for representatives shall be two years.

3)    Terms for representatives shall be staggered as follows. Even-numbered year elections will select the Area B and C representatives, one representative each from the North and South regions, and one of the At-Large representatives. Odd- numbered year elections will select the Areas A and D representatives, one representative each from the North and South regions, and one of the At-large representatives.

4)       The officers shall serve no more than three consecutive elected one-year terms in the same office.

5)      All members except the officers are limited to two consecutive two-year terms in any position. In the event that a representative or officer is elected to a position mid-cycle due to a resignation or election by prior incumbent to a different office or position within a normal cycle, the representative or officer may pursue re- election and be entitled to serve a full term of a normal cycle in the same position despite the previous mid-cycle service. For the purposes of this section and article, At-Large positions are considered the same position despite their staggered terms for election, and all North/South positions are considered the same position despite their staggered terms.