Remote Attendance Option for ASCCC Events

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

Since Spring 2022, the ASCCC has been experimenting with ways to provide access to ASCCC events, either in-person or online. The ASCCC is now evaluating the long-term feasibility of this resolution, as it relates to the human resources and financial impact on the organization. 

Whereas, Registration for the 2021 Fall Plenary Session - Hybrid Event is $325 for virtual-only registration and $580 for in-person registration (plus the cost of travel, accommodation, and dinner on travel days);

Whereas, Nearly 500 people attended the virtual 2021 Spring Plenary Session which is far greater than any other previous in-person plenary event, and attendance at other institutes held virtually, including Faculty Leadership and Curriculum, during the pandemic has been greater than attendance at in-person institutes held prior;

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has for a generation affirmed its commitment to sustainability [1] and the environmental impact of air travel is very high [2]; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has previously affirmed that attendance and participation increase when physical presence is not required for academic senates to assert their purview over academic and professional matters [3];

Resolved, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges should make remote attendance an option at all ASCCC-organized events, including plenary sessions


1. Resolutions F95 1.07 and S09 1.04
2. Air travel and climate change
3. Resolution S21 6.04