Model the Common Course Numbering System and Processes after C-ID

Resolution Number
Assigned to
C-ID Leadership
Executive Director
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
In Progress
Assigned to: 1st Resolved: Common Course Numbering Task Force Co-chair
2nd Resolved: Executive Director/C-ID Curriculum Director
Status Report

May 2023: Work is being conducted by the AB 1111 Common Course Numbering Task Force to make recommendations on how to move forward with common course numbering. This includes the potential to utilize the C-ID structure to house the work on common course numbering. Further updates will be available by December 2023, once the AB 1111 Task Force finalizes their recommendations. 

Whereas, The California legislature approved and the governor of California signed AB 1111 (Berman, 2021) [1] Common Course Numbering on October 6, 2021, in which the legislature declared, “C-ID provides a mechanism to identify comparable courses and is a critical step to developing a student-facing common course numbering system” and that requires the California Community College system to “adopt a common course numbering system for all general education requirement courses and transfer pathway courses” [2];

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) collected feedback from faculty statewide via a survey on the ASCCC website homepage [3] as requested during the ASCCC 2022 Curriculum Institute ranging from support to concern about the details;

Whereas, Previous iterations of common course numbering in California have demonstrated that faculty participation and support are integral to the success and implementation of a common course numbering system as demonstrated by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ established and functioning C-ID Course Identification Numbering System [4] that primarily leverages faculty to drive curricular changes; and

Whereas, The implementation of AB 1111 (Berman, 2021) [5] will likely add pressure to the operations of the C-ID Course Identification Numbering System as it experiences unprecedented demands on its operations, including the course review and submission processes, arising from the expected significant increase in the number of courses submitted to C-ID for review and approval;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, and system and intersegmental partners as appropriate to implement the common course numbering system framework established by the intersegmental AB 1111 Common Course Numbering Task Force, as required by AB 1111 (Berman, 2021), [6] through processes modeled after the established and functioning C-ID Course Identification Numbering System; [7] and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges evaluate the existing operational capacity of the current C-ID Course Identification Numbering System, identify any necessary changes to C-ID policies and procedures needed to ensure the optimal operational capacity of the C-ID system required for the successful implementation of common course numbering system required by AB 1111 (Berman, 2021), [8] and broadly disseminate its recommendations through its events, publications, and other appropriate venues for review and input by fall 2023.


[1] AB 1111 (Berman, 2021):
[2] Ibid.
[3] “Submit Input on Common Course Numbering Implementation” form located at
[4] C-ID/TMC/AD-T Handbook located on the ASCCC website at
[5] Ibid.
[6] C-ID/TMC/AD-T Handbook located on the ASCCC website at
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.