Academic Credit for Student Governance Participation

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Explore ways to encourage colleges to establish faculty-taught courses that instruct students in principles of effective governance, and report on the findings with recommendations relevant to the establishment of academic courses to be communicated to all local senates.
Status Report

The 2009-10 committee had several discussion of this now quite old (Fall 2000) resolutions, with the active participation of the committee liaison from the Student Senate. The committee's ultimate conclusion was that the issue be addressed via a breakout (which took place Spring 2010) and Rostrum article, which will be prepared by committee member David Morse for the first fall 2010 Rostrum Article.

Whereas student senate leaders invest many hours representing students in governance structures at all California community colleges, and

Whereas such service is an important educational experience and valuable preparation for citizenship in the wider community, and

Whereas the California Student Association of Community Colleges (CalSACC) supports the establishment of academic credit courses to enhance the student leadership experience, and

Whereas such courses would provide a valuable vehicle to encourage students to participate in a full range of co-curricular activities central to a fulfilling college experience,

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with CalSACC to explore ways to encourage colleges to establish faculty-taught courses that instruct students in principles of effective governance, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate report on the findings with recommendations relevant to the establishment of academic courses to be communicated to all local senates.