Academic Senate Support of Diversity Programs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success

Whereas Section 76000 of the Education Code states that community colleges have a unique obligation to insure that all Californians have an equal opportunity to have access to higher education, and

Whereas Section 66030reinforces this mandate by declaring the intent of the Legislature that "public higher education in California strives to provide educationally equitable environments which give each Californian, regardless of ethnic origin, race, gender, age, disability, or economic circumstance, a reasonable opportunity to develop fully his or her potential,"

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges continue to support programs that encourage the success of students, such as, but not limited to:
1. Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
2. Disabled Students Programs and Services
3. MESA (Math, Engineering, Science Achievement)
4. PUENTE (Bridge Program)
5. Programs for African American Students
6. Underrepresented Students Special Projects
7. Women's Programs
8. Student Equity
9. Transfer Centers.
M/S/C Disposition: Affirmative Action Officers, CAPED, CalSACC, Chancellor's Office, CCCCA, Local Senates, CCLC, CEOs, CIOs, COFO