ACCJC Student Learning Outcomes Annual Report

Resolution Number
Work with the ACCJC to establish a faculty presence in annual updates that include qualitative measures as well as quantitative, to provide feedback on the reporting process and form, and to consult about further reporting formats concerning student learning outcomes, assessment and curricular changes.
Status Report

Survey feedback was shared with the ACCJC about Annual Report issues. A new process is being developed and it will be vetted to the faculty. Actions to complete this resolution also address S07 2.01, S 98 2.02 and F96 2.01

Whereas, ACCJC/WASC (Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges/Western Association of Schools and Colleges) annual updates have been required in the past, but generally were filled out by administrators and did not involve faculty participation;

Whereas, This year's newly developed annual ACCJC reporting form involved detailed information concerning student learning outcomes (SLOs), assessment, and curricular improvement that require faculty participation in this reporting; and

Whereas, The completing of the reporting form presented difficulties and focused inordinately on straight quantitative versus qualitative data;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct Academic Senate representatives to provide feedback to the ACCJC on the reporting process and form; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges pursue an opportunity to consult about further reporting formats concerning student learning outcomes, assessment and curricular changes.
MSC Disposition: ACCJC, Local Senates